It can be a daunting thought starting to use Social Media for your Business, however it needn’t be if well planned and having got some meaningful, relevant and attainable goals in place.

Some of the key things that a business should think about before starting out on Social Media should be:

  1. The Time & Effort required to run the chosen channels.
  2. To weigh up the Benefit vs the Effort required to see results.
  3. Ensure you have a Timetable for delivery, to maximise value with the time you spend on it.
  4. To ensure you have the Resources required to deliver the day to day tasks required to reach your goals.
  5. To Choose the right channels for your business.

Having mentioned the points above its always good to set your business up on Social Media channels, but concentrate your efforts on one or two channels that you are sure you can gain the most traction on.

Once you have gained some momentum with these channels you can then utilise tools and apps to start spreading this ‘Social Love’  to other channels that may be slightly more difficult to crack.

Take a look at our video below and be sure to view and subscribe to our UMIS Consultancy YouTube channel.


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We pride ourselves in not only understanding the building blocks of good Business Social Media but also how to execute an effective social media strategy.

Take a close look at our Social Media & Online Promotional Services and for further information do not hesitate to get in touch with our expert online promotion team.

We would also love it if you Commented on our posts with your thoughts and experiences in the Social Media space.